Posts Categorized: Childrens Book

is it spring yet?

For when winter is feeling long… or a winter in your life is. For when hope is hidden… and spring is nowhere to be seen. A message for you! Below the snow Hidden in every root, Inside every bud, In every seed, A secret is stirring… The lost flowers are only hidden, not gone! And… Read more »

top facebook posts of 2015

Happy 2016! I hope your New Year is off to a wonderful start! We had Snowmaggedon already. Which was thrilling. Everyone’s doing top 10 lists. So why not me? For fun, my team and I found out what the top 10 most-shared posts were and in case you missed them here they are: NUMBER 10… Read more »

dance of the trees, song of the stars

There seems to have been a competition in the parks around here lately between trees and lamp posts. Who is shining brighter? The trees are winning. They’ve been glowing here in New York. In fact, the trees also inspired me to write this little piece that was picked up by FoxNews (in case you haven’t… Read more »

for when you are facing giants

I’m excited to be guest blogger over at Ann Voskamp’s site today! I’m there wondering… Do you sometimes feel less like brave David, and more like the teeth-chattering-knees-knocking-terrified-scared-to-death people on the sidelines? Well… there is good news for you! Take a jaunt over to Ann’s farm and read my entire article HERE… Or, if you… Read more »

THE Lloyd-Jones

People often ask me, “Are you related to THE Lloyd-Jones?” To which, of course, I respond … “But I AM the Lloyd-Jones.” What they’re really asking, though, is: “Are you related to THE Doctor David Martyn Lloyd-Jones?” Dr David Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981) is the rock star of theologians, writers, thinkers, a children’s book writer like… Read more »

the art of simplicity

It’s hard to believe… but Miffy, that adorable white baby bunny, turns 60 this year! In 1955, on a rainy seaside holiday in North Holland, Dick Bruna sketched a little bunny for his young son. The bunny kept hopping about. Each evening he would make stories up about the bunny and… Miffy was born. I… Read more »

crossing barriers and boundaries

It’s one thing to hold the book you wrote in your hands. It’s another to see it in the hands of a child you have never met at the opposite ends of earth. Over the years Ann Voskamp has shared my books with children all over the world. This photo is of a boy in… Read more »

a sweet Father’s Day gift idea…

So I have an idea, and a story, and a coupon for you…just in time for Father’s Day. Did you know Father’s Day is coming? Did you know fathers love presents? Do you know the best gift for a dad or grand-dad of little ones? A picture book–which isn’t just a book of course, it’s… Read more »

preparing the ground of our children’s hearts

On my Very Big Adventure where I drove across Canada into the heart of mennonite country, it was so exciting because I had to navigate to a place so remote that even the GPS had never even heard of it. Not the village. Not the road. Of course not the house. After several phone calls… Read more »

a thought to make your heart sing this Memorial Day

    MISSING SHOVEL In World War II prisoners of war were building a railroad. After their days work, the shovels were counted. The guard became enraged. One was missing. The prisoners were lined up and ordered to stand there until someone admitted they’d stolen the shovel. No one said it was them. The guard shouted…. Read more »