Posts Categorized: Travel

The Jesus Storybook Bible—Translated to 55 Languages

The Jesus Storybook Bible has been translated into more than 55 languages! The listing is now available on a new page, which is updated frequently: Click to access the current list. ___________________________________ Become an Insider Would you like to be among the first to learn about new translations as they become available? Become an Insider… Read more »

The secret to peace no storm can destroy…

Sheep Hill 2017 was a year of so much hard news—attacks, shootings, political strife—so many days when it was impossible to know what to say. Near the end of the year a tiny island off the coast of Northern Ireland had something to say to me. So—why is this little island with its steep almost… Read more »

Storm clouds and suffering: SLJ travel journal

Going on adventures, taking pictures, thinking about things, writing them down on bits of paper, sharing them with you I was just in Colorado and then in New Mexico—and hiked in the Badlands (don’t you adore that name?). (Read on for a Foot Selfie to prove I was really there.) A land of such stunning… Read more »

preparing the ground of our children’s hearts

On my Very Big Adventure where I drove across Canada into the heart of mennonite country, it was so exciting because I had to navigate to a place so remote that even the GPS had never even heard of it. Not the village. Not the road. Of course not the house. After several phone calls… Read more »