The Jesus Storybook Bible has been translated into more than 55 languages! The listing is now available on a new page, which is updated frequently:
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My husband and I have been meeting and reading the bible with our Turkish friends for a year now. How can we get access to a Turkish translation of the Jesus Storybook bible? This would be so helpful in our ministry to them.
Do you sell The jesus storybook Bible in DARI and pasthton languages??
We are interacting with Afghans who need these languages ..
Thank you so much..
Caroline Mettes
looking for the Jesus storybook bible in Portogese. living in south Africa but traveling to Ierland in 6 weeks timeso will be able to get it fron there
Looking for Jesus Story bible in africa portogues . Can you please let me know where I can order it from. I live in South africa and do children missionary in Mosambique.
What a wonderful ministry to the children all across the globe. I really need help locating at least 10 copies of Jesus Storybook Bible in Ukrainian for the Ukrainian refugee kids in my community. They need the Good news at such a dark time as this. Please let me know what I need to do. So far I have hit dead ends both stateside and in Ukraine.