Posts Categorized: Creativity

Summer Boredom Busters – 2024

Here’s a list of summer adventures to go on together — many for free and without leaving home (including ways to spend summer like a Brit!). PS: Be sure to sign up for my newsletter for posts like this and exclusive free downloads each month (this month we sent a fab Boredom Busters Jar that… Read more »

Summer Books & Activities

Summer is all about adventure, and we can always go on adventures inside books. We’ve compiled our Top Summer Book Picks and suggested an activity to go along with each one. Time of Wonder by Robert McCloskey My absolute favourite. A classic story of one summer on an island in Maine. Activity: Make a paper… Read more »

Typed on an Olivetti Lettera 32

This is an Olivetti Lettera 32 typewriter (1963). It is one of the first portable typewriters. And how fitting because it is an extremely well-traveled typewriter. A globe-trotter. It’s lived in: London, Uganda, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Oxford and now New York City. (Like me.) It was my mother’s and she gave it to me… Read more »

Connect with your kids through books

Are you looking to build deeper connections with your kids or students this year? I may be a little bit biased, but truly books are one of the best tools you can have for connecting with children. Sharing the stories that you loved when you were little; discovering new adventures together; making memories through bonding… Read more »

Beauty hiding in plain sight

I was walking in Central Park when I was stopped by this tree. It was only tiny—totally dwarfed by the great elms. But it was caught by the sun—as if in a spotlight—and transformed into a blazing bush. Moses was minding his own business when something caught his eye—a bush was behaving oddly… he came… Read more »

Happy Dr Seuss Day! And here are 10 great Seuss quotes

Happy Read Across America Day! I for one will be staying in my pajamas and reading all day long (I have to– I’ve already taken the pledge). And how fitting to celebrate Read Across America Day on the birthday of Theodor Seuss Geisel– the one and only Dr. Seuss! If you follow me on Twitter… Read more »

workspaces to inspire you

Where do you make art? write? compose? create? When I started out I thought it would be in a library. So I found the perfect one. It was very beautiful. And very silent. And very serious. And all I could think was, “GET ME OUT OF HERE!” I kept looking around at everyone writing great… Read more »

crossing barriers and boundaries

It’s one thing to hold the book you wrote in your hands. It’s another to see it in the hands of a child you have never met at the opposite ends of earth. Over the years Ann Voskamp has shared my books with children all over the world. This photo is of a boy in… Read more »

preparing the ground of our children’s hearts

On my Very Big Adventure where I drove across Canada into the heart of mennonite country, it was so exciting because I had to navigate to a place so remote that even the GPS had never even heard of it. Not the village. Not the road. Of course not the house. After several phone calls… Read more »