Posts Categorized: Advent

A Quarantine Christmas Kit

This Christmas when we are distanced, here are some ways to bring each other closer. Watch something special The Old Vic’s A Christmas Carol, featuring performances by chronically ill children who play Tiny Tim The Old Vic’s free activity kit London Philharmonic Orchestra’s Christmas at Claridge’s (best watched with your cream tea!) A Christmas Eve Service… Read more »

Chaos: an advent poem

Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing - Before Everything

In the beginning, before there was anything, God’s building block—from which he would make the entire universe—was… Nothing. Out of the Void The Abyss The Emptiness The Nothing God makes EVERYTHING. His other building block? Chaos. The Bible says God hovered over the chaos—over the disorder, the darkness, the confusion—and out of that makes the… Read more »

dance of the trees, song of the stars

There seems to have been a competition in the parks around here lately between trees and lamp posts. Who is shining brighter? The trees are winning. They’ve been glowing here in New York. In fact, the trees also inspired me to write this little piece that was picked up by FoxNews (in case you haven’t… Read more »

The light of the world

“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone.” Isaiah 9:2 #‎advent

Advent: How Long, Lord?

“How long, Lord, must I call for help, but you do not listen? Or cry out to you, … but you do not save?” Habakkuk 1:2, “Your eyes are too pure to look on evil…” Habakkuk 1:13 Fighting, suffering, sickness, tears—all the things God hates most—are everywhere in our world. They’re in our own hearts,… Read more »