Typed on an Olivetti Lettera 32

This is an Olivetti Lettera 32 typewriter (1963). It is one of the first portable typewriters. And how fitting because it is an extremely well-traveled typewriter. A globe-trotter. It’s lived in: London, Uganda, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Oxford and now New York City. (Like me.) It was my mother’s and she gave it to me… Read more »

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Books for Mother’s Day

Here are some books to celebrate the unconditional love of mothers—all featuring adorable animals! Thank you, mums! (And grand mums and all the other beautiful mother figures in our lives.) The Runaway Bunny by Margaret Wise Brown, illustrated by Clement Hurd A must-read classic from one of my all-time favourite children’s writers. Shop Make Way… Read more »

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Celebrating New Life

This new year is bringing you a new book from me all about newness. It’s called Little One, We Knew You’d Come. And it’s a celebration of the joy and wonder when a new baby comes into the world. Whether you’re welcoming a child or grandchild, a niece or a nephew, a friend or a… Read more »

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Big News! Something big is coming…

People often ask writers where they get their ideas. I got the idea for Tiny Cedric in 2015 on the shortest street with the longest name… The street is in York, England and it’s got a bit of a funny name. It’s called: “Whip-Ma-Whop-Ma-Gate.” Hmm, I wondered, who might live on the shortest street with… Read more »

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The Jesus Storybook Bible Podcast

We wanted you to be the first to know — we’re launching a podcast. A few years ago I wrote a children’s book that somehow found its way into the hands of professors and pastors, musicians and university students, onto NICU wards, and into over 55 languages. And then I began to hear from readers—incredibly… Read more »

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My Books For (and Featuring!) Babies

I love babies. So much I can’t stop writing books for them. Or about them. Babies are so full of newness and life. They remind us to hope. (Something we might need right now.) I thought I’d share my (ever expanding) collection of books for babies. Celebrating New Babies Little One, We Knew You’d Come… Read more »

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Ten Book Picks for Welcoming Baby

Are you searching for a gift to welcome a baby? Is there a better gift than a book? Here are some favourites you can grow with and love for years. Babymoon by Hayley Barrett, illustrated by Juana Martinez-Neal A gentle story that pays tribute to the wonder of a family’s first days with a newborn…. Read more »

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Top Ten Tips for Aspiring Children’s Book Writers

I’m often asked for tips from aspiring children’s book writers. So I compiled some of the things I’ve learned over the years that have helped me. Tip 1: There are no shortcuts  Someone told me this starting out, and it’s the first thing I tell people who are serious about writing for children. There are,… Read more »

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Picture Books and Accounting

As we slowly emerge from winter into spring, we’re also transitioning from quite a year. As we start to see glimpses of getting back to normal, how are you doing? Are you looking back at this time in lockdown and wondering what you’ve accomplished? With so much pressure to “use this time wisely”—what, exactly, did… Read more »

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Children’s Books to Get You Through Lockdown

The pandemic and lockdowns may be stopping us from doing many things—especially travel. But there is one wonderful thing a lockdown can’t ever stop you from doing. And that’s going on an adventure inside a book.  Here are some favourite adventures we collected to get you through lockdown. When you need to get lost in… Read more »

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