- Name: Sally Lloyd-Jones
- What sort of name is that? mine (I’m half Welsh)
- Age: none of your business
- Birthday: four hours off April Fools
- School: Manor House, The New Forest (it’s nothing of the sort, it’s very old)
- College: Sussex University and Sorbonne
- Major: Art History
- Languages: English, bad French, and (once upon a time) Swahili
- Places lived: London, Paris, Oxford, Singapore, Sierra Leone, Kenya, Uganda
- First job: typist at customer complaints dept. of large grocery store (people would write in complaining of slipping on a grape on aisle 4 and cracking their head open, and we’d send them £10 for their trouble)
- First job fired from: typist at customer complaints dept. of large grocery store
- Duration of first job: 1 day
- Reason fired: for using word-breaks (they didn’t believe in them)
- Reason for coming to USA: for an adventure, just for a year
- When you came: over 20 years ago
- Favorite color: they’re all my favorites
- Favorite book: Winnie the Pooh
- Favorite movie: Chariots of Fire except when it’s The Tree of Life
- Favorite food: porridge, when it’s not everything else
- Good quote: “Be kind for everyone you know is fighting a great battle” PHILO (not Pastry) OF ALEXANDRIA
- Another good quote: “I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells.” DR SEUSS
- Another other good quote: “Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, drink the wild air.” RALPH WALDO EMERSON
- Where do you find your ideas? I don’t. They find me. I just try to be someone “on whom nothing is lost” (HENRY JAMES)
- What did you never imagine you’d do: you’ll never guess…
see what sally never imagined she’d do
Play The Ryman
Yes. It’s true. The legendary stage in Nashville—where Elvis, Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline, Emmy Lou Harris, Neil Young, Mumford and Sons, Coldplay have trod—that very one. I appeared on that very stage. Trod those very boards.
Or dancing (you’ll be even more relieved to hear).
But reading from my books. I was honored to be part of Andrew Peterson’s annual BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD Christmas concert. And I will be back again this year. (Maybe you’ll come? I’d love to see you!)