At the end of book release day for The Story of God’s Love For You, three happy things to report:
1. We were #1 release for Amazon in the teen category
2. We’ve got lots of pre-orders
3. I even spotted a real life one IN THE WILD today
(At the afore-mentioned bookstore, I might or might not have gone and put every copy I could find face out.)
(I might or might not have also gone up to the customer service agent and asked for it. And then I may even have said, “Hmmm. I think the authors’ name is…” No. Not really. Actually, really. Of course I did. No I didn’t. I wouldn’t do such a thing. Would I?)
What you WILL be glad to know is this: I’m going to stop with all the pre-order frenzy and go back to being a nice restrained author who doesn’t bash people over the head with her books.
Before I go though, seriously, did you order YOUR COPY?
Sorry. I’m stopping now.
(But seriously. Did you?)
No, look I really AM going now. Goodbye.
Off I go.
(Get another copy! Tell your friends! Call your mum!)
OK. Going now. Really.