Posts Categorized: Family

A Quarantine Christmas Kit

This Christmas when we are distanced, here are some ways to bring each other closer. Watch something special The Old Vic’s A Christmas Carol, featuring performances by chronically ill children who play Tiny Tim The Old Vic’s free activity kit London Philharmonic Orchestra’s Christmas at Claridge’s (best watched with your cream tea!) A Christmas Eve Service… Read more »

Top Ten Bird Books from a Budding Ornithologist (That Is, Bird Expert)

I attended boarding school in the UK in the New Forest (which, for the record, is not new – it’s ancient – but to the UK, it’s new!). My school, Manor House, was nestled in the middle of New Forest, which made for excellent adventures and encounters with all sorts of creatures, including my favorite,… Read more »

Connect with your kids through books

Are you looking to build deeper connections with your kids or students this year? I may be a little bit biased, but truly books are one of the best tools you can have for connecting with children. Sharing the stories that you loved when you were little; discovering new adventures together; making memories through bonding… Read more »

Ten favorite picture books for Christmastime

Do you love Christmas stories as much as I do? What is it about a story? It’s a feeling, an image you can return to, year after year, when you’re little and when you’re grown. A picture book is a place to connect with the ones you love, to dream about years past or years… Read more »

The one thing every mom needs

The one thing every mom needs (we all do actually.) Our culture tells us there is so much we need. So much more we have to have, so much we have to be. We need this car. That watch. Their couch. The perfect school. That latest gadget. To eat perfectly clean healthy food. To maximize… Read more »

Picture books for welcoming a new baby

You might not know this but I am a big sister. When I was about two—long ago, back in the time of caves, when dinosaurs roamed the earth and parents left children in cars—my little newborn baby sister and I were left in the back of our car while our parents popped out—just a second…. Read more »